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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Communication Strategist: Fight bad marketing decision making

Sometimes being a communication consultant is an easy job which only implies responsibility about the company’s direction, action and stakeholder management. However, every now and then we stumble upon management that either underestimates the importance of communication or has a strong desire to control the whole process, no matter how much they actually know about communication.

I have been in such situation where the top management disregarded my advice concerning a comprehensive marketing strategy and implemented something which they called a marketing strategy even though it was not even close to such.

The strategy plunged towards a disaster already with its launch. Management thought it was a good idea to set corporate goal disregarding resources, market analysis and without any corporate vision or mission. The result was simply something dysfunctional, a waste of time and resources.

As I was still a relatively new employee my advice was not taken seriously from the beginning. However, I did not give up. I continuously pointed out that there is need for change of strategy. Interestingly enough, my boss seemed to agree with me but did not change anything in the line of what he called marketing.

The complete crash that followed convinced him though that another approach is necessary.

Unfortunately as communication consultants we cannot allow ourselves to fail that way. Therefore a more strategic internal communication strategy is crucial. The first step we take should be locating the decision makers. We should not forget that sometimes power lies not where we expect it to. Than communication channels must be established to ensure that the decision makers can easily be reached. Of course, as next step follows the need to develop trusting relationships with those decision makers. Here an additional remark should be that sometimes decision makers are hard to reach as they are eager to follow the established communication channels and hierarchy in the company, no matter how functional they are. In such cases it is necessary to start your work as a communicator with evaluating existing internal communication channels and suggesting changes in a report supported by hard evidence.

The point here is that sometimes it is necessary to skip hierarchy levels or stubborn managers in order to avoid crashes. There is also almost always an additional challenge for new or young professionals as their opinion is often disregarded and they are perceived as inexperienced, thus not trustworthy. In such cases especially but in all other cases just the same it is a good idea to support your strategy suggestions with data. Research a lot, read a lot and create a flawless presentation of your ideas.

If that does not work pull back for a while and closely observe the communication process as ordered by management. React already with the first sign of failure or dysfunction. Prepare and present a comprehensive analysis of what is happening, why and how the company should react.

If that doesn’t work, turn to other decision makers and point out the problems. If even then nothing changes, well, better look for another job as there is obviously no place for reason where you currently work.

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